Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Welcome to India!

I never thought a 7 hour flight, 4 time zones, would be a piece of cake ... and at 11:45 pm on the 24th, I arrive in Delhi. I expected the worst, and was pleasantly surprised.

Customs, no problem ... baggage claim, no problem ... money change, no problem .......... and the best yet, I had a driver waiting for me at the terminal! So off we walk to the car. It's not too much different than other far-flung airports, but lots of people everywhere. People just hanging around and sitting on the asphalt playing games. It helped that I had a driver with me, so no hassles at all. And we arrive at his car, conveniently parked on the sidewalk right in front of the door. Picture that happening at SFO!

And off we go, or at least I was hoping the car would make it between coughs and sputters. Not that any little mechanical problems would stop him! Foot on the gas, hand on the horn ... not sure a brake was anywhere in the picture. And I do believe lane lines and stop lights are purely for decorative purposes. I blanched for a moment when he pulled up to a crowd of guys playing some game on this VERY dark street that looked a bit sketchy. But he just wanted to buy some cigarettes, and I guess that's the equivalent of a drive-thru mart!

Finally ... it was a long drive ... we arrive at Wongdhen House, with a couple of cows in front and mangy dogs everywhere. Not a bad room for $7 USD a night. And I even get a towel (there weren't towels at my Seoul digs)!

Bathroom looks a bit functional (that's being kind), but there's a western toilet and toilet paper ... I'm happy!

And off I drift to sleep, until the morning prayers and a rooster ... both in stereo!

Looks like this next three months is off to a good start!