Sunday, November 26, 2006

Trekking in the Himalaya's

After a decompressing re-entry day of gathering together with my fellow meditators (men included), some quick internet stops, several meals (Amy and I even take a picture of our first breakfast), I trundle off to bed at about 8 pm. My tummy feels a bit unsettled with all the food I've been stuffing into it all day!

At afternoon lunch, several of us decided to do a trek and plan on meeting at the bus stop the next morning.

I can't believe I slept the whole night through with only a quick waking up at 4 am. But the alarm goes off, I'm up, dressed, and down at the bus stop to start the day's adventure. Turns out there will only be five of us and George from Spain arranges our day. Mind you, none of us have done much more than sit for the past 11 days, so we decide that ambitious trekking is out of the question! Rather, we take a taxi about 5 km up to the start of the trail head, all uphill. Bummer, its overcast, cold, threatening rain ... but what's a little dampness (afterall it's impermanent).

While we're waiting we fill up on street chai, biscuits, and fresh potato momas. Finally we pile into the taxi ... Priya and Ravi from India, Amy from Chicago, and George.

How wonderful! Views over the valley and up the mountain peaks that take your breath away! We understand it's about 2 km up to the waterfalls and we start scrambling. Half the time I'm sliding up and down the rocks on my knees or my behind. Every bit we come across a white arrow painted on the rocks ... good thing because most of the time we're guessing which way to go. Eventually we get to where we can hear the waterfalls.

Ohmygawd! Pools of water like I've never seen before!

We gather up some damp firewood and grasses, doing our best to get a fire lit (even sort of successfully). We sit about, eating crackers and peanut brittle (the Indian equivalent of Power Bars). George wants to dunk himself in the water, so Amy and I go up with him partway (he's of sturdier stock than I).

Now this is COLD water ... fresh, clean, drinkable, but cold! I decide to put my legs and feet in ... refreshing might be a way to describe .. everything's all a-tingle.

Such a refreshing little respite, and off we scramble back.

At the beginning of the trail, we discover a little guest house and restaurant ... Horizon Huts & Restaurant. What a gorgeous place, quiet, rooms with views overlooking the mountain, cleanest bathrooms ever. The owner cooks up some chai, soup, and grilled sandwiches. Ravi started talking to him in Hindi ... he quit working at CocaCola and purchased several acres of the surrounding land. He advertises only by word-of-mouth and avoids being included in any guide books. How peaceful and serene to come here ... I imagine a bit better when it's warm!

We walk back down to Macleod Ganj talking away about our Vipassana thoughts and experiences. Amy and I are the only first-timers and we all decide to meet at 6:30 in Amy's room (she had a coveted space heater). I'd been nervous about starting to meditate on my own and how encouraging to start with such wonderful people. We sat for 55 minutes and as we awaken, Priya and Ravi sang the Hindi chants to be happy, peaceful, love for all beings. So beautiful, so calming!

What a wonderful first day back in reality! Amy and I chow down on some delish pizza and salad ... and call it a night!